Overcoming Opposition

Jesus faced opposition from political forces like Nehemiah did, and Jesus faced opposition from religious forces like Nehemiah did. But the project that Jesus came to work on was much more than just building a wall around the city in the Middle East. Jesus came to seek and to save all that was lost. He came to redeem and restore the world.

Finding God in the Midst of Desolation

The reason that we can choose to take actions of faith when it seems like the world has turned against us, when evil is attacking us and our life and everyone else we hold dear is in clear and present danger, and our emotions are telling us that there is no hope is because Jesus rose from the dead.

The Eternal King & His Kingdom

That leader, that descendant of David who would be a forever king, would then build up a house for God, a new and totally different kind of family, where people would be connected, not by human ancestry, but by their common king, through whom they would have all the safety, security, comfort, and peace that they need forever.

Conquering Giants

The stronger our faith in God to defeat the giants in our life and the more areas of our life to which we apply that giant-slaying faith, the weaker anxiety’s ability will be to rule over our lives.

From Frustration to Freedom

Our lowest points, our pits of frustration and our valley of despair, those moments when we feel most like throwing our hands in the air and giving up, can be the moments when we finally fully turn the situation over to God. And then he steps in and starts to make things work out for good with his mighty power.

Encountering the Holy in the Ordinary

… God chooses to work through human weakness because that is what we need to happen for us to realize that it is actually God who is doing the really good things all along. Confronted with the realization that God is actually the One who is making the good things happen in this world, our internal compass shifts from a self-centered focus, which is our natural bent, to a Yahweh-centered focus, and our eyes open up to see the rich, full, abundant life that we have in and with him.